G is for Gaijin...
Japanese genes don't know blue eyes or blonde hair. It doesn't compute, it isn't an option. You are guaranteed the same black hair, brown eyes and olive skin as the generations before you. I'm not trying to be disrespectful just bringing your attention to the facts.
Japan is heavily influenced by Western Pop Culture, this mostly bombards the country from America. American music, music videos and films all flood Japan and are readily consumed by the masses here. These are in many cases the only exposure that many Japanese people have to Western Society. Many don't travel overseas for the fear they can't communicate. (This is true in the Western world as well, we have a limited understanding of the true Japanese culture).
When you walk down the street you look like something straight off a movie screen. With your Gaijin features you look like you just walked off the set of a Nelly video. The attention that you will get from just appearing in public will have you feeling a little odd at first. But most Gaijin find themselves craving it within a few months.
You'll get extra attention if your hair is red or blonde. Persons with dark skin are also especially admired.
For the simple fact that you are a Gaijin gives you an X factor which you could only dream of back home. You're an instant Rock Star. Everyone wants to talk to you, be your friend and buy you drinks.
In Tokyo and other built up areas you're Gaijin powers won't be as strong as Gaijins are common place. But in smaller country towns you may find yourself scaring grandparents.
Many Japanese have a warped sense of Western Society, our beliefs, our culture and social habits. This is derived from the messages within our films and television shows. Not everyone's lives are so full of drama.
All of my female Japanese friends believed that Gaijin moved quickly into sexually relationships. This opinion was entirely based on that fact that in our films "Harry would meet Sally" and within a few movie minutes they would be sleeping together.
Japanese take our films at face value, almost as documentaries. Many concepts just don't translate. I would watch films with Japanese friends which had Japanese subtitles and we would laugh at different times. My Japanese friends would stare at me puzzled at what I was laughing at.
This Gaijin Factor can attract many people who simply can't make it in their own country. It also can go to some people's heads, specially those who already have a large ego. So don't use your Gaijin powers for evil!
This guide brought to you by: A YEAR iN THE LiFE OF A GAiJiN.
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